Legal Information - MIDEM+
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La version française des Mentions légales est accessible ici.

Date of last update: 07/07/2023

Site publishers


Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes

La Croisette CS 30051

06414 Cannes Cedex

+33 (0)4 92 99 84 00

The “Société d’Economie Mixte des Evénements Cannois” (S.E.M.E.C.) is a French company with a capital of 2,400,000.00 euros registered with the Cannes Trade and Company Register under the number B383 150 232.





25, rue Notre-Dame des Victoires

FR- 75002 Paris

Phone number: +33 (0) 1 41 34 20 00

VAT number: FR69437 582 927


HOPSCOTCH SAS is a French company “société par actions simplifiée” with a capital of 2,179,344.00 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 437 582 927.


Publishing director

Benoît Désveaux


Site host

This site is hosted exclusively on Amazon Web Services (AWS) datacenters in Europe (Ireland and Germany):


Amazon Web Services Inc.

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